Mousecoin Network
2 min readFeb 27, 2022


The official swap for Mousecoin will occur on the 15th of March. This was decided upon as it would take us time to make sure that everything was right; all exchanges were ready, all staking pools were aware and ready, and all of the community had time to get ready. Not much else has changed since the last post except for the staged swap process for desktop wallets and the final deposit dates for exchanges etc.

Exchange Swap Status
Bololex (YES — If you have coins there leave them. The FINAL date for deposits is the 7th March 2022*)
Crex24 (NO Swap support, Please remove your coins ASAP)
StakeCenter — Still nothing (Safest to move your coins from here we think)

Staking Pool Swap Status (YES, leave in account they will swap for you)
StakeCenter — Still nothing (Safest to move your coins from here we think)

Desktop Wallet

Users must have 100 Billion or more to be able to participate in the custom swap via Google Form :
For this there will be a staged percentage swap ratio.
If you transfer your MIC3 to the swap address of:
Between 28th Feb 2022–7th March 2022–
100% swap ratio (10,000:1 — (1,000,000 OLD = 100 NEW))
Between 8th March 2022–14th March 2022–
80% Swap ratio (12,500:1 — (1,000,000 OLD = 80 NEW))
After 14th March 2022
all balances in unregistered accounts will be void.
When the new wallet is released we will email a link to the registered desktop wallet swappers that will allow them to provide their new MIC3 Address to receive their swap balance.

*To be confirmed



Mousecoin Network

MIC3: Functional max coin supply, exchange availability, fast transaction times and the ability to earn by staking in your own wallet