Mousecoin March 2020 Update
Firstly, we apologize for the delay in the monthly update.. There have been many things going on behind the scenes which has caused a bit of a delay in both the Monthly update and the posting of the Community Fund balance updates. All is revealed in this post.
Well it has been an interesting month for Mousecoin. Even with the loss of two of our exchanges with the closing of CryptoHub Exchange and delisting from Bitsahani (read below for more information), Mousecoin still experienced a considerable increase in sales volume and quite large fluctuations in the price, all of which shows (among other things) that there has been growth in the Mousecoin community. The Portuguese community has exploded thanks to the work of the admin team and their community. Most of the growth in that community has been through Telegram, mainly through a Telegram channel that offers games, quizzes and more to the Portuguese speaking community. If you speak Portuguese check it out HERE. We have also seen growth in other areas of the world which indicates that Mousecoin is starting to get noticed more!
In last months update (February Update) we spoke about work being done behind the scenes on Mousecoin, and also about future ideas. The close of last month saw some of those behind the scenes changes and ideas become a reality, while some of the more complex ones will require more work but are closer to completion:
If you haven already noticed, the Official Mousecoin Website has changed from to It was decided after some debate that was more in-line with the future of Mousecoin and the Mousecoin Network, and as there are to be some more changes this year we decided to lock this change in and get it done. At the time of this post, the old website has been taken down and redirected to the new website, so any links that exist out on the internet or on social media should all still point to the correct place on the new website without issues. If anyone comes across any issues (after clearing your cache, of course) please report them via our Contact Page of via Mousecoin social media. This change is also a very positive change as it should see the official website start to rank highly in online searches about Mousecoin, meaning that people can find us and the correct information about Mousecoin fast and easy.
In addition to the change of domains for Mousecoin, we have also added a Wallet Setup Guides page, which takes any first time user of Mousecoin step-by-step through the process of installing their Mousecoin wallet and getting it online. The guide uses the latest blockchain snapshot found on the Wallet Downloads Page in the example explanation meaning that all new members of the Mousecoin community will be able to get their wallets online faster as the sync time should be minimal. We will be updating the blockchain snapshot at least once every month to ensure that people have access to the most up to date blockchain info.
There has already been a huge cleaning up and re-vamping of the Mousecoin social media over the last few months. Recently, as well as the previous addition of the Russian, Korean and Spanish Telegram groups, we have added a Telegram group for any Australian Mousecoin supporters:
Mousecoin Australia —
We have also created a Medium blog (Medium — to provide a bit more exposure to the Mousecoin Network online, and the addition of a Facebook Page for the Community Fund (Facebook — that will get the latest updates for the Community Fund, much like on Telegram. We have decided to add this page for additional exposure to the Community Fund as some people don’t use Telegram.
Over the next month we will be working on revamping The Official Facebook page, Twitter, Reddit and possibly BitcoinTalk in that order, so we should all start to see mousecoin a bit more on social feeds and in web searches.
We are still currently in the process of testing the code for the faucet.. While we expected to get the Mousecoin Faucet up and running quite quickly, we did not expect to encounter the issues (security & other) that we have had in the process. Unfortunately this means that the faucet will take a bit longer than desired, but we still expect to have this completed no later than mid-late April, if not before.
At this stage we are still working on an accurate, but basic Roadmap for Mousecoin. A lot of the upcoming changes, things being worked on and future goals of Mousecoin are featured in every Monthly Update, so until the Roadmap is completed you can be assured that we will still be providing the latest information about the Mousecoin Network. Unfortunately, with everything else going on at the moment, and the fact that we can still keep the community updated with these posts, the Roadmap is not a high priority right now. Rest assured we will continue to work on it and will have it published on the website as soon as possible.
As mentioned earlier, this month Mousecoin lost two of it’s exchanges. On the 15th of February CryptoHub Exchange closed it’s doors, saying goodbye for the final time. Then on the 28th of February we were notified by a member of the community that BitSahani Exchange had posted this notice:
After doing a bit of investigating, it appears that all of these coins including Mousecoin are being de-listed because of low sales volume. We attempted to contact BitSahani to find out the exact reasoning, but never received a reply.
To put the loss of these two exchanges in perspective and to ease the community’s minds, only having a handful of exchanges is actually a good thing at this point in the growth of Mousecoin. What it actually means is that on the exchanges that Mousecoin does trade on the sales volumes will be higher. As the community grows the volume on these handful of exchanges will grow, instead of being diluted because there are too many exchanges, and this should help Mousecoin to get listed on more (high volume) exchanges in the future.
That being said, we are still seeking to get listed on ATAIX Exchange and NANU Exchange for USDT/MIC3 Pair, so there is already another potential exchange and currency pair listing in the pipeline.
We have progressed in the voting list on ATAIX to number 20 (as seen below). Remember you can vote every 24 hours for this listing, and you can share in 125,000,000 MIC3
The voting on NANU Exchange for the addition of USDT/MIC3 Pair has not changed since the last update, as pictured below
Only officially being established late in January this year, the Mousecoin Community Fund saw a huge initial full month of operation, with the total donation to the fund for the month of February being 256,848,466.0551 MIC3. This was a great amount for the community to start staking and earning rewards on, and in the month of February we received 42,078,292.89415440 MIC3 in Rewards from the 4Stake account. An over all great start to the Community Fund!
The community members that keep up with the fund on Telegram may already be aware of this, but as this update is coming to you a little later than expected some of you may not know that earlier this month the Community Fund received a very large donation of 1,000,000,000 MIC3! Thank you immensely to the community member that donated this as it will really help us to properly establish the Community Fund.
In the days following the massive donation, we performed some calculations based on tested staking of Mousecoin on a dedicated Mousecoin staking wallet hosted on the Mousecoin server. The results of these tests indicated to us that the balance of the Mousecoin Fund would be better staking in this environment (hosted on the Mousecoin server) as the potential of increased earnings was too high to ignore. On the 6th of March it was decided to move the funds from the shared hosting account on 4Stake to it’s own dedicated wallet that will be actively staking 24/7 and will be monitored by Mousecoin.
It was known by us that this move would result in the temporary loss of rewards during the time that the wallet was established and began staking, but we believe this move was necessary and have overcompensated the Community Fund as a result. During a one day period, while the balance was over 1,000,000,000 MIC3 the average daily rewards totaled to a little over 10,000,000 MIC3. Although it is only the 10th of March (3.5 days since the transfer) and the Community Fund has already started to stake, we have transferred 40,000,000 MIC3 as compensation for any losses during the past 3.5 days. In addition to this, the fund also earned approximately 21,518,147.5 MIC3 through staking (up to the time of this post), so the fund has gained over 60,000,000 MIC3 since being transferred, which we think is a very positive result. At this point in time we expect that the rewards from staking will be well over 10,000,000 MIC3 per day, but we will be monitoring this over the next few weeks and will report back on the results along the way. Below is the current balance of the Community Fund wallet:
As a result of the changes, we have updated the donation address on the website to reflect the new Community Fund Address, MecQqVrtZ3oZ5gqb6vzZjpPeZry1ww33LS (pictured below). In the next few days we will also be updating the look of the MIC3 Fund reporting page to display the new wallet balance and transactions list. Following this we will provide an update on the Community Fund Telegram and the new Community Fund Facebook page, all to be done by the end of the week.
If you have any questions or concerns about anything mentioned in the Community Fund update, please head to our Contact Page and send us an email detailing your questions or concerns and we will get back to you ASAP.
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